Meet Tia
There are some friends that just understand you. They can come and go months and years at a time but you just pick up like nothing has happened.
I think this is because when you genuinely open yourself up to people and you make heart connections, they stay connected.
Keeping friends is hard. Keeping relationships is hard. You have to make an effort, Tia and I have had to schedule and reschedule three or four times because, well life.
It's been hard lately for all of us to stay connected, to stay mentally healthy. I promise it is so very much worth it.
Location: Le Vingt Trois Cafe
Drink: Mocha
Rating: 8/10 - It was a bit too sweet for me but the Beurre Jambon was super fab
Wisdom: When making a decision, just make it. Either you will do the right thing, or you will make it right.